The 10 Most Dangerous Ingredients In Pet Food [Infographic]

The ASPCA estimates that nearly 70-80 million dogs and upwards of 96 million cats live in American homes.  With a canine population so large, it’s no wonder that the pet food industry is worth over $24 billion. With so many dogs and cats relying on the pet food industry for nutritious meals, it might be …

Read moreThe 10 Most Dangerous Ingredients In Pet Food [Infographic]

german shepherd puppy food

What Is The Best Food For Your German Shepherd Puppy?

Dave NielsenI have lived in big cities my entire life. Having grown up on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, my early life was an exciting one, filled to the brim with interesting encounters and opportunities popping up at every street corner. Like many city people, my passion for dogs first started when my parents …

Read moreWhat Is The Best Food For Your German Shepherd Puppy?

Dachshund, 8 years old, and German Shepherd Dog, 2 and a half years old

Unique German Dog Names

German shepherds are a popular breed. They’re loyal, active, and gorgeous pets that are easily trained and willing to please. But when it comes to choosing dog names, it’s not always easy to come up with the right one for your dog or puppies. Names are important, and you need to choose the right one.

There are many ways to go if you’re looking for the perfect dog names for your German shepherd. Whether you choose to name your dog after a friend or family member or something that reflects your German dog or puppy’s traits or heritage, you’re in the right place. Here is a list of German dog names for this popular dog breed.

constipated puppy

Puppy Constipation: Causes, Remedies and Prevention

A healthy puppy should have 2 to 3 bowel movements in a day. If your puppy goes for 24 hours without passing stool, exhibits infrequent bowel movements over a few days and has difficulties defecating because the stool is dry and hard then he is certainly experiencing constipation. Related: Top 5 High-Fiber Dog Foods  A constipated puppy …

Read morePuppy Constipation: Causes, Remedies and Prevention

naughty puppy

15 French Bulldog Facts That You May Find Fascinating

French Bulldogs are fascinating canine creatures. From their bat like ears, to their flat little faces to their loving personality, they have become the favorites of many American family homes. Related: 10 Interesting Facts About Corgis “Frenchies” are small domestic dogs that came onto the doggie scene during the 19th century when traditional bulldogs were mated …

Read more15 French Bulldog Facts That You May Find Fascinating