10 Stunning Long-Haired Dogs

10 Stunning Long-Haired Dogs

A dog will quickly grow to become a valued, beloved member of your family, which is why choosing the correct dog breed can be such an important decision. If you are one of the many people who prefer the look of long haired dogs, there are plenty of breeds to choose from.
Fortunately, these breeds come in a wide variety of sizes and coat types, so whether you prefer a large dog, or a small, lap-friendly dog.

Taking Care Of Japanese Dog Breeds

Top Tips For Taking Care Of Japanese Dog Breeds

Every dog breed has its own traits, type of coat, exercise needs, and other things. Japanese dog breeds are not an exception to this rule. Japanese dog breeds have similar needs; however, they are not the same. For example, most Japanese dogs have thick double coats, prick ears and make excellent guard dogs. While some are hunting dogs, other Japanese dog breeds are meant to be guard dogs. You will find a Japanese dog that’s a good companion dog or guard dog.

The Best Companion Dogs for Your Health and Personality

The Best Companion Dogs for Your Health and Personality

There’s a reason dogs are man’s best friend. There is plenty of research that shows that owning a dog is good for your mental and physical health, but what type of dog is right for you? If you’re looking for a companion dog, you might think that small dogs are the only option. After all, most of them were bred specifically to provide companionship, but there are actually a lot of dog breeds that make great companion dogs.
To figure out the best companion dogs for you, one of the best things you can do is choose one that fits into your lifestyle. Here are a few great options to consider.

Healthiest Large Dog Breeds 10 Dogs With The Least Health Problems

Healthiest Large Dog Breeds: 10 Dogs With The Least Health Problems

A lot of people have the misconception that large dog breeds are unhealthy and don’t live very long. But that’s not true! There are a lot of big, lovable dogs out there with minimal health problems that live for a decade or longer. Let’s take a look at the healthiest large dog breeds and what makes each so special.
1. German Shorthaired Pointer
The German Shorthaired Terrier weighs between 45 and 70 pounds and, although it’s a big dog, it’s one of the smallest on our list. This is a versatile breed that was bred for hunting but is also a trusting and loyal companion.
German Shorthaired Pointers need a lot of exercise to burn off energy – about an hour or two every day – and they’re really smart so they need adequate mental stimulation, too. When they aren’t exercised or challenged enough, they can be destructive, but, if you keep them active and engaged, they’re usually well-behaved.

10 Amazing Small Dog Breeds with Short Hair – Low Grooming Needs

10 Amazing Small Dog Breeds with Short Hair – Low Grooming Needs

If you’re looking for a small dog with low grooming needs, you’re not alone. Small dogs make wonderful companions but if you have a busy schedule, complicated grooming is not always ideal. Here are 10 amazing small dog breeds with short hair that are exceptionally easy to care for.
If you’re looking for a little dog that’s active with low grooming needs, a Beagle might be the dog breed for you. Beagles are hounds so they love to use their sense of smell to follow small game like rabbits or follow any interesting scent. They’re even used in some airports as drug sniffing dogs.
Beagles have a sweet, friendly expression and big, dark brown or hazel eyes. They’re loving, outgoing dogs that are determined, inquisitive, and want to be everyone’s best friend. Because of their small size, they can do well in an apartment with an owner that’s willing to take them outside for a walk or somewhere to run around for about an hour every day.

Are Raw Eggs Good for Dogs – Nutritional Benefits of Eggs for Dogs

Are Raw Eggs Good for Dogs – Nutritional Benefits of Eggs for Dogs

Are raw eggs good for dogs? Well, it depends on who you ask. While some dog owners swear by including raw eggs in their pet’s diet, there is some controversy surrounding raw eggs for dogs. Some vets might encourage it while others advise against it.
There’s no denying that eggs have a lot of nutritional benefits but are raw eggs good for dogs? Let’s take a closer look.

How Much Do Puppies Sleep? Here’s How to Make Sure Your Puppy is Getting Enough Sleep

Few things in life are more exciting than getting a new puppy but it can be hard to tell if your puppy is getting too much or too little sleep. Some dog owners may be concerned about how much their puppy seems to be sleep but don’t worry. It’s normal. The average eight-week-old puppy sleeps anywhere from 18 to 22 hours per day.
But what if your young puppy spends more time acting like a little tornado.

Unique Male Dog Names for Your New Pup

Unique Male Dog Names for Your New Pup – Which One Is Your Favorite?

One of the best parts of adopting a dog is naming him. It can also be challenging, though. You want a special name and with so many common and unique male dog names, it can be tough to narrow it down and find the name that’s right for your pup. The good news is there are ways to make choosing your dog’s name easier and ensure that you’ll not only be happy with the name but that it will also suit your dog.

How to Tell a Purebred German Shepherd – 5 Ways to Identify a German Shepherd

According to the AKC, the German Shepherd is the second most popular dog breed America – and for good reason. If you’ve never personally owned a German Shepherd, odds are you have a close friend or family member who has. This breed has gained its popularity because they are highly intelligent, great working dogs, awesome family pets, and are incredibly obedient and loyal. So, how do you identify the purebred German Shepherd?