24 Plants That Can Kill Your Puppy

While we love plants in our outdoor gardens and use greenery to liven up our indoor environment, certain flora can be deadly to our four-legged family members. Dogs often like to nibble on leaves and other foliage. While he may think they’re a tasty treat, we want to avoid unintentionally harming our furry companions. Related: The …

Read more24 Plants That Can Kill Your Puppy


Can Puppies Drink Cow’s Milk – Why It Isn’t The Best Solution

We know it’s not a good idea to give human foods and table scraps to our dogs, but what about milk? We know that milk is good for our teeth and bones, but does it have any benefits for dogs and puppies? Is the nutrition they’re getting from their food enough?

Let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know about milk, dairy, and your pet.

The 10 Most Dangerous Ingredients In Pet Food [Infographic]

The ASPCA estimates that nearly 70-80 million dogs and upwards of 96 million cats live in American homes.  With a canine population so large, it’s no wonder that the pet food industry is worth over $24 billion. With so many dogs and cats relying on the pet food industry for nutritious meals, it might be …

Read moreThe 10 Most Dangerous Ingredients In Pet Food [Infographic]

naughty puppy

15 French Bulldog Facts That You May Find Fascinating

French Bulldogs are fascinating canine creatures. From their bat like ears, to their flat little faces to their loving personality, they have become the favorites of many American family homes. Related: 10 Interesting Facts About Corgis “Frenchies” are small domestic dogs that came onto the doggie scene during the 19th century when traditional bulldogs were mated …

Read more15 French Bulldog Facts That You May Find Fascinating