The Best Dog Dandruff Shampoos – A Buyer’s Guide 2021

The Best Dog Dandruff Shampoos – A Buyer’s Guide 2021

Choosing the right type of shampoo for your furry little friend is far more important than you may think. Harsh shampoos made with low-quality ingredients can irritate dogs skin, which can lead to chronic itchiness, excess shedding, and, of course, dandruff.

If you want your dogs coat to look and feel its best, choose a high-quality, dog-specific shampoo made by a reputable company. This is even more important if you find that your dog is already prone to dandruff and shedding.

Diamond Naturals Dog Food

Diamond Naturals Dog Food Review in 2021

Feeding your dog healthy and nutritious food is one of the most important things you can do to protect its health. The best dog foods contain healthy and recognizable ingredients that dogs can properly digest. They also contain a balanced nutrient profile specifically tailored to meet the dietary requirements of healthy canines.
Unfortunately, the market is flooded with low-quality dog foods packed with indigestible fillers and empty calories, which is why it can be so difficult to choose the right food for your beloved pooch.

Big Fluffy Breeds

10 Big Fluffy Breeds You, Will Absolutely Love

There is nothing quite like cuddling up with a big fluffy dog after you have had a stressful day. While maintaining their long and thick coats can be a lot of work, we believe it is definitely worth it! If you are one of the many people that prefers a big furry dog, you will be happy to learn that there are many breeds to choose from.
To help you find the perfect canine companion.

The Best Smelling Dog Shampoo

The Best Smelling Dog Shampoo – Keeping Your Pup Clean and Smelling Fresh

While we all love dogs, we don’t always love the way they smell! Even though a dog’s seemingly endless curiosity can be one of its most endearing traits, it can also lead your furry friend into some really stinky situations.
Who can honestly say that they haven’t caught their dog rummaging around in the trashcan or rolling around in a mud puddle at some point? Not only can your dog’s skin and fur trap unpleasant smells from their environment.

The Best Dog Food for Dachshunds

The Best Dog Food for Dachshunds – A Buyer’s Guide for 2021

Despite their relatively small size, dachshunds are amongst the most active and playful dog breeds you can choose. As you would expect from a breed known for its energetic and curious nature, they need plenty of healthy and nutritious food to help fuel them throughout the day.
Not only do dachshunds need a diet that is rich in protein and healthy fats to support their energetic lifestyles, but they also have some nutritional requirements that are unique to the breed.

9 Best Indestructible Dog Toys For Aggressive Chewers

9 Best Indestructible Dog Toys For Aggressive Chewers

While it is always the hope that we’ll purchase our pup a nice plush toy that they’ll gently nibble on and carry around, that is most often not the case. And while some dogs are considered moderately tough chewers who might chew a hole in their dog toy every now and then, there are also the aggressive chewers. If you’re wondering whether your dog is one of these aggressive chewers, then they’re probably not – you’ll know if your dog falls under this category.

Soft Dry Dog Food

Soft Dry Dog Food – A Buyer’s Guide for 2021

The type of food you choose to feed your furry friend is one of the most important decisions you can make as a dog owner. Along with daily exercise and regular checkups with a veterinarian, the quality of your dog’s diet will play a major role in both its long-term and short-term health.
It is so important to choose high-quality dog foods with fresh ingredients, the appropriate amount of calories, and balanced nutrition.

10 Stunning Long-Haired Dogs

10 Stunning Long-Haired Dogs

A dog will quickly grow to become a valued, beloved member of your family, which is why choosing the correct dog breed can be such an important decision. If you are one of the many people who prefer the look of long haired dogs, there are plenty of breeds to choose from.
Fortunately, these breeds come in a wide variety of sizes and coat types, so whether you prefer a large dog, or a small, lap-friendly dog.

Choosing the Best Chew Toys for Puppies – Teething and Soothing Gums

Choosing the Best Chew Toys for Puppies – Teething and Soothing Gums

Can you think of one thing that’s cuter than a new puppy? Really, we can wait. While you think about it, we need to talk to you about choosing the best chew bones for puppies. Just as with human babies, a puppy’s teeth can suffer from sore gums. This can be incredibly painful for your young pup, and you’ll notice them want to bite down on anything and everything in order to soothe their poor gums.

High Calorie Dog Food

High Calorie Dog Food – Everything You Need to Know

If you have questions about finding the right type of food for your furry friend, we are here to help you understand your options. Not only will we highlight some of the best high calorie dog food brands, we will explain everything you need to know about choosing the right type of food to keep your dog at a healthy weight. Even a dog treat can contain some animal protein and extra calories to help your dog’s diet.