K9 Advantix II vs FRONTLINE Plus: Which One Is More Safe And Effective?

Mary NielsenI grew up in a household that was filled with animals. I believe that my fate as a dog-loving person was sealed in early childhood since my parents owned several dogs of varying sizes and breeds. There was no choice but to take care of and learn about dog habits and the best animal …

Read moreK9 Advantix II vs FRONTLINE Plus: Which One Is More Safe And Effective?

Top 5 Dog Nail Clippers Reviewed [2021 Buyer’s Guide]

Our Top 5 Dog Nail Clippers Choices Epcia Pet Nail Clippers OmegaPet Dog Clippers with Quick Sensor Amir Pet Nail Grinder Safari 770045 Professional Nail Trimmer by Safari Resco Original Deluxe Dog and Cat Nail/Claw Clippers Once you have brought home your puppy, it is important to get all the necessary tools to provide a …

Read moreTop 5 Dog Nail Clippers Reviewed [2021 Buyer’s Guide]

Funny Dog Tail

Can Dogs Have Autism – 5 Symptoms That’ll Help You Diagnose It

Dave NielsenI have lived in big cities my entire life. Having grown up on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, my early life was an exciting one, filled to the brim with interesting encounters and opportunities popping up at every street corner. Like many city people, my passion for dogs first started when my parents …

Read moreCan Dogs Have Autism – 5 Symptoms That’ll Help You Diagnose It