When do Puppies Stop Teething and Lose Their Baby Teeth

When do Puppies Stop Teething and Lose Their Baby Teeth

Bringing a puppy home is an exciting moment. Things can take a turn away from the fun and excitement, though, if your puppy starts chewing on things and destroying them. This is something that is all too common for puppies, especially when they are teething. When do puppies stop teething? Usually, it isn’t for a few months but this doesn’t mean it’ll stop chewing on things. Here’s what you need to know.

It might be a surprise for some to learn, especially if they’ve never had a puppy before, that puppies lose baby or milk teeth just like human babies do. The teeth you see in an adult dog’s mouth aren’t the teeth it was born with. And while you might not get a chance to put your pup’s teeth under a pillow for the Tooth Fairy or chuckle at a gap-toothed grin like you would a child, there are still a number of similarities between teething pups and teething babes.