
German Shepherd Training – Train your puppy the right way

german-shepherd-training; German Shepherd Dog Alsatian Gsd by Kaz/PixabayAll dogs need training, and your newest best friend is no different. Ideally, your puppy began training the day you brought him home from the breeder, shelter or rescue you acquired him from. German Shepherd training may be more work on your part than some other breeds in comparison.

Related: German Shepherd Puppy Care

This breed is well known for his drive to work, eagerness to please you and his extremely high intelligence. It is this intelligence that can be curse if you are not capable of training him to the extent that he needs so that he can be a relaxed and well behaved pet or working partner. Begin training your puppy right from the start to set him up for success and an adult canine companion within your household.

Read moreGerman Shepherd Training – Train your puppy the right way

Aggressive Puppy – How to Recognize and Treat Puppy Aggression

When it comes to puppies, the first thing that comes to mind is how cute, cuddly, sweet, and playful they can be. After all, who can resist a puppy? (I have two, so, obviously, I cannot). As your pet starts to grow and get older, though, you quickly begin to realize that you might have a problem. As adorable, cuddly, and playful as your puppy is, they’ve started showing signs of aggressive behavior as well.

How to Train a Lab Puppy – 4 Rules for Success

hould mean that lab puppies should be easier to train than most, right? Well, we hate to break it to you, but training a Labrador will be pretty much the same as training any other puppy but, with determination and consistency, you should not have a problem training your Labrador puppy. Puppies want to learn, even though they appear to have the attention span of a moth.

Basic Training, Problems, and Solutions

How to Punish a Puppy: Basic Training, Problems, and Solutions

No matter how cute and cuddly or playful and rambunctious your little dog is, there comes a time when you have to work on correcting any negative behavior your pup may exhibit, from pottying inside the house to biting you.
Sometimes, training your puppy can be hectic and you need a way to discipline your pup so it can learn how to act around others, on a leash, and in other social situations.

Stop a Puppy from Biting

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting: 3 Fast & Easy Steps

Puppies love to chew and bite. It’s their way of exploring the world, trying out food and even being playful for companionship. Nipping puppies are completely normal during play and exploration.
That said, biting isn’t a habit you want your pup to hold on to as they grow into an adult dog. If you don’t get started trying to help them unlearn the behavior when they’re young, it will be a lot more difficult to stop them from biting as they get older.

Train a Puppy to Come When Called

How to Train a Puppy to Come When Called: 7 Secrets for Success

There are a few basic commands that you should teach your dog that come in handy when you need your dog to be obedient. Each of these basic commands is important and shouldn’t be overlooked when training your new pup.
One of these important commands is getting your dog to come when called. This becomes important in different situations, from stopping your pup from misbehaving to getting ready for a walk.

12 Best Puppy Training Treats with our 2021 Most Affordable Pick

If you have ever tried to train a puppy, you know how essential training treats are if you want any kind of success (or at least, any kind of success in a reasonable period of time). When it comes to puppy training treats, you should look for something nutritious, delicious, and affordable that will not upset your pup’s tummy if they consume quite a few! We’re going to take a look at our twelve best picks for puppy training treats.